Become a Provider

Thank you for your interest in becoming a provider for the Ohio Department of Developmental Disabilities (DODD).  You must be certified by DODD to provide services to individuals who have developmental disabilities and who qualify for waiver services.  DODD certification is valid throughout the entire State of Ohio.

Before you make the decision to become a provider, it is important that you understand all of the requirements for certification as well as the expectations and ongoing responsibilities of providers. DODD has rules that outline the requirements for providers, as well as the services being provided. Those rules can be found on the DODD website.

Agency Provider

Agency providers employ at least one person in addition to their DOO. To complete the certification process, agency providers will need to submit information about the DOO and the business itself. 

Contact DODD for assistance: 1-800-617-6733, option 5 or 

Become an Agency Provider

Independent Provider

Interested in being self-employed and providing hands on services to people with disabilities?  Learn how to become an independent provider.

Contact Provider Relations for assistance:

Becoming an Independent Provider