A graphic with a spotlight and a headshot with text that reads, "Congratulations Beth Risner, November Employee Spotlight of the Month."

November’s Employee Spotlight of the Month: Employment Services Coordinator Beth Risner

Join us as we pay tribute to the incredible staff, we have here at the Butler County Board of Developmental Disabilities (BCBDD) through our appreciation series called “The Employee Spotlight of the Month!” Every month, we will spotlight a new employee so that we can share with the community the wonderful things our employees are doing every day!

Congratulations to Beth Risner, November’s Employee Spotlight winner! Beth began her journey with the BCBDD in January of 2018, and since then those that work with Beth say she is not only always willing to step up and share the Board’s mission to the best of her ability, but she has also paved the way for those with developmental disabilities to get employment opportunities that best suit each individual.

Beth graduated from Miami University with a Bachelors in Family Studies. Shortly after graduation Beth began working with Butler County Job and Family Services where she got the opportunity to work as a specialized caseworker for the WIOA Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, which is a program that helps people with significant barriers to gain employment, get proper training, and get support for in demand careers.

“While working as a specialized caseworker, I got the opportunity to see how believing in someone and giving them a chance not only changes their life financially but also changes them on a spiritual level,” Beth said. “I witnessed first-hand on many occasions how getting an employment opportunity allows these individuals to believe in themselves again.”    

In 2018, Beth took a new opportunity at the BCBDD as an Adult Service and Support Administrator (SSA). Beth says that’s when she discovered that most satisfying part of her job.

“As an SSA, I found that my favorite part of the job was when someone got a job,” Beth said. “Getting a job opportunity allowed these individuals to gain financial independence to buy the things they wanted and feel both empowered and more connected to other peers. They could finally feel like they were a part of something bigger. My love for this part of my SSA position led me to becoming the Employment Services Coordinator. In this new position, I could put my sole focus on connecting our job seekers to employers that truly believed in inclusivity and making a difference in the lives of the people we support.”

Since stepping into Employment Services Coordinator position many employees from the BCBDD have voiced how impressed they are with Beth’s ability to get so many job opportunities for those individuals the Board serves. One employee from the BCBDD said, “Beth is just so fantastic and always willing to step up. I’ve had several instances with her lately where she has gone out of her way to be helpful for me while juggling many responsibilities of her own. I’ve watched her step deeply out of her comfort zone to do public speaking at chamber events and elsewhere. Every time, she does such a great job of sharing our mission and important information about employing people with disabilities!”

Tracy Boraz Shepherd, SSA Manager and Beth’s supervisor said Beth is very conscientious, dedicated, and has an amazing work ethic.

“She does so many things behind the scenes to support the agency and people working in the community,” Tracy said. “She volunteers and supports people after hours. She is an excellent advocate for the people we serve and an excellent steward for the BCBDD.”

Beth says one of the best parts of her position as the Employment Services Coordinator is when everything aligns, and she gets the chance to see someone who thought working would never be possible for them get into a position where their unique talents and abilities are being valued.

“Self-employment is another passion of mine because it allows individuals to customize a position and really make it their own,” Beth said. “They can be their own boss and create limitless possibilities.”

Beth couldn’t express enough how much she loves working at the Board! She said she enjoys the variety each day brings and of course loves working with “the best individuals who do a great job of advocating for themselves.”

“Our individuals aren’t afraid to let us know when a job isn’t working out and we are always here for them to make a change,” Beth said. “We have some excellent employment services providers who really know the employers in the area well. In addition to the IES providers, I work with a dedicated Employment Navigator and an extremely passionate group of SSAs. We all work together as a team to get our individuals what they deserve! The satisfaction of watching people succeed drives me on to the next challenge!”  

We are so proud to have Beth a part of the BCBDD team!

Is there someone from the BDBDD that has changed you and your family’s lives? Submissions for December’s Employee Spotlight of the Month are due by Monday, December 4!

Employee Spotlight – BCBDD

Your Name
Employee you are nominating(Obligatorio)
Please give specific details about why this person is an outstanding Butler DD employee and deserves recognition.