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Settlement reached in Ball v. DeWine

The Ohio Department of Developmental Disabilities (DODD) has reached a fair and reasonable settlements with the plaintiffs and with the guardian intervenors in this class action lawsuit. 

The agreement between DODD and the plaintiffs promotes waiver services while preserving the Intermediate Care Facilities for Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities (ICF/IID) program.  In this settlement, the department will expand its existing options counseling and pre-admissions counseling programs, allocate 700 state-funded individual option waivers for people who choose a waiver, and increase support for affordable housing and integrated employment and day services. 

The agreement between DODD and the intervenors acknowledges DODD’s commitment to continue funding the ICF/IID program and provides structure by which families will be informed of the residential services available to them.

These agreements are the result of the previous and current administrations working together to end years of litigation and redirect money that would have been spent defending this lawsuit into the support of the people we serve.