The BCBDD logo in the middle of a cogwheel connects to many other cogwheels with working people throughout.

DSP Workforce Support Program Extended!

We are very excited to share that the Board has approved extending the parameters of our workforce support program into the first quarter of 2022! This program is intended to support provider agencies as they deal with the continued crisis of staffing issues.

If you can benefit from this support, do not delay! This support is on a first-come, first-served basis while funds are still available.

As the Direct Support Professional (DSP) workforce crisis continues to challenge providers every single day, the Butler County Board of Developmental Disabilities (BCBDD) is focused on providing relief where possible.

We are investing $1 million in providers to offset increased costs due to the DSP shortage. Our DSP Workforce Support Program is for agency providers for non-Medicaid reimbursable costs as highlighted below.

Reimbursement can be requested for approved funds from 9/1/21 to 3/31/22 on a first-come, first-served basis as funds are available.

To request reimbursement, please complete the DSP Workforce Support Form found here and include the required supporting documentation for the corresponding reimbursement item listed below. Requests will be approved by BCBDD within two weeks and checks will be issued from the Southwest Ohio Council of Governments (SWOCOG). Agency providers can request multiple reimbursements, but we ask you to limit requests to one request form per month.

Funds must be used to support DSPs that are serving individuals in Butler County who also receive services from BCBDD. If you have a specific request that falls outside the guidelines above or any questions related to the DSP Workforce Support program, please contact with details.

DSP Hiring/Training

DSP New Hire Training
BCBDD will reimburse providers a flat rate of $700 per DSP hired after 9/1/21 and working in the field as a DSP. BCBDD will continue to provide fingerprinting/background checks and CPR/First Aid training free of charge.

Supporting Documentation
DSP Workforce Support Form
Documentation of date of hire for employee
Documentation that trainings were completed

DSP Annual Renewal Training
BCBDD will reimburse DSPs who complete their annual training at a rate of $500 per DSP. This reimbursement covers training costs, FBI check (as needed) and the DSP’s time taken to complete the required training.

Supporting Documentation
DSP Workforce Support Form
Documentation of date of hire for employee
Documentation trainings were completed

DSP Longevity Add On*
The longevity add-on allows an additional $1.56 to each hour billed of HPC. To be eligible for the add-on, a DSP must have at least two years working in the DD field and have completed 60 hours of CEUs through DirectCourse. For DSPs that meet these criteria, BCBDD will offer a reimbursement of $900 to cover the cost of the employee’s time completing the coursework. If a DSP works for more than one agency, they are only eligible for the reimbursement one time.

Supporting Documentation
DSP Workforce Support Form
DirectCourse transcript detailing 60 hours of completed coursework
Employment Experience Form

Hotel Fees

Hotel Fee Reimbursement*
In a handful of situations, agency providers who work across the state have temporarily moved DSPs from other areas of the state to help with local DSP shortages. As these funds are not typically reimbursable, BCBDD is able to reimburse for the cost of the hotel up to $130/day.

Supporting Documentation
DSP Workforce Support Form
Hotel Receipt

OT/Half Time

Half Time Reimbursement*
Due to the DSP workforce crisis, many DSPs are working excessive hours. BCBDD will reimburse agency residential providers for the half-time paid to DSPs as this is not reimbursable by Medicaid.

Supporting Documentation
DSP Workforce Support Form
Agency payroll detailing OT paid to DSPs.
Provider OT Worksheet

DSP Appreciation Week 2021

DSP Appreciation Reimbursement
BCBDD appreciates the hard work and dedication of DSPs and will reimburse up to $25 per DSP for agencies celebrating DSPs during DSP Appreciation week (September 12-18, 2021). Funds can be used for gift cards, gift baskets, meals, etc. DSPs must work regularly with individuals supported by BCBDD.

Supporting Documentation
DSP Workforce Support Form
List of qualifying DSPs
Receipts for purchases

*Adult Day Array providers are not eligible for reimbursement for overtime, hotel fee reimbursement, or DSP longevity add-on.